Build Muscle & Burn Fat! No Sweat Required

This Highly Effective Treatment Gets Real Results Without Surgery or Downtime

Utilizing Focused Electromagnetic technology to cause deep muscle stimulation.

A single session induces up to 20,000 supramaximal muscle contractions. All this is done without any effort on your part. It is basically a mini MRI machine that uses therapeutic levels of magnetic fields to build muscle and get rid of unwanted fat cells.

According to studies, it creates approximately a 20% increase in muscle development. With the hypercontraction of the muscles, the fatty acids on the muscle cells leak out and create a 14% fat burn on top of the muscle building. The combination of the two mechanisms work wonders in shaping the desired physique! The fat burn aspect is an effective residual mechanism from what the device is doing to the muscles.

The treatment does not require anesthesia. Strong muscle response is essential to maximize treatment results. During the application, you will feel intense but tolerable muscle contractions that are custom tailored to your body type, age, sex and area of treatment.

Simply through the process of ElectroMagnetic Sculpting

Muscles are typically voluntarily contracted, there's an interval of time between each neuron firing where muscles relax called the refractory period. During this phase, the brain is unable to initiate another contraction in that single group of neurons.

ElectroMagnetic Body Sculpting produces signals that are separate from those of brain activity and fires them rapidly at such a high frequency that it won't allow muscle fibers to relax. Thus, the refractory period is effectively bypassed.

Normally, the highest level of tension that can be attained and maintained physiologically is referred to as MVC or maximal voluntary contraction. Under normal conditions, it only lasts for a split second.

When contractions exceed the typical threshold, they are subsequently referred to as supramaximal muscle contractions. The ElectroMagnetic machine can generate these contractions and maintain them for several seconds repeatedly, which raises the workload on the muscle cell beyond what your brain or exercise can do.

body sculpting Encinitas & Carlsbad, CA

Five of the most impressive benefits offered by ElectroMagnetic Sculpting:

  • It melts fat. Focused electromagnetic technology to stimulate muscle contraction and burn fat naturally. This helps to produce reliable and natural-looking results

  • It builds muscle. Unlike liposuction or a tummy tuck, it actually tones the muscles, helping to improve outcomes and produce a significantly more defined and lean physique

  • It requires absolutely no downtime. As a non-surgical procedure, it does not require a recovery period. You can resume normal activities as soon as your procedure is finished with very minimal soreness.

  • It only takes about 30 minutes. Fast and easy, this treatment can be performed in between errands or on your lunch break whenever you have time.

  • It can be performed on targeted areas of the body. With specific areas of the body needing different settings ElectroMagnetic Sculpting can be used to target optimal results based on the area of concern and the outcome desired. This allows treatments to focus on your areas of concern while leaving surrounding features untouched.


What happens during an ElectroMagnetic Sculpting treatment?

While you lay back and relax, one of our technicians will place one or two large flat paddles to the area of concern. An appropriate setting will be selected and levels can be adjusted during your session. The sensation of strong muscular contractions will be experienced. This ‘tensing’ of the muscles can be held for seconds at a time repeatedly, interspersed with a relaxing tapping sensation to reduce lactic acid build up. Once the treatment has finished, you’ll be able to return to your daily activities with no discomfort or downtime. Occasionally you will experience some soreness or tightness post session or the following day.

Does ElectroMagnetic Sculpting hurt?

Electromagnetic Sculpting can be a little uncomfortable, especially depending on your own threshold, but it is not painful and feels mostly like an intensive workout. We will manage any discomfort by adjusting the settings appropriately as we monitor your session. As you become more used to the procedure and you know what to expect, each session will become more and more comfortable.

How long does an ElectroMagnetic Sculpting treatment take?

Depending on the area to be treated, a typical treatment takes around 30 minutes and a standard course of a minimum of 4 sessions is usually required for optimum results. We build your treatment protocol around your personal needs and goals; you can even come in during your lunch break for a 30 minute session with us.

Do I need to do anything before or after a treatment?

You don’t have to do anything  in preparation for your ElectroMagnetic Body Sculpting treatment and there is virtually no downtime or side-effects. If you go to the gym, we only ask that you refrain from training the day before and the day after your treatments, so that your muscles can relax between treatments as well as getting the maximum muscle building and fat burning effects.

When will I see results from my sessions?

You will begin to feel tangible results immediately after your ElectroMagnetic Body Sculpting treatment and full results are usually seen four to six weeks after your final session. These results will continue to improve for several weeks afterwards. As ElectroMagnetic Body Sculpting builds muscle mass, results are longer-lasting. However, it is important to continue the good work that it has done for your body, with a healthy active lifestyle to maintain your new, toned physique. Additional treatments can be offered if you need them, later on for maintenance.

ElectroMagnetic Sculpt or CryoSlimming? Which should I choose?

When comparing ElectroMagnetic Sculpt to CryoSlimming, it is important to remember that each treatment excels in different areas. While ElectroMagnetic Sculpt can disrupt fat cells, leading to a reduction in circumference, the golden standard for non-invasive fat reduction remains CryoSlimming. However, CryoSlimming lacks the ability that ElectroMagnetic Sculpt has to reshape the body by strengthening, toning, and building muscle. If you are looking to lose fat, CryoSlimming is the answer. If you are looking for muscle definition, you should choose ElectroMagnetic Sculpt.

Can you combine ElectroMagnetic Sculpt and CryoSlimming treatments for optimal results?

Yes, because ElectroMagnetic Sculpt and CryoSlimming are different treatments using entirely different mechanisms for body contouring, many clients, who are looking for a complete transformation of their appearance, combine the two treatments. Together, ElectroMagnetic body Sculpting and CryoSlimming are an extremely effective combination and can obtain incredible results. Contact us for a free consult to see what’s right for you!

The Science Behind It! Studies & Research Articles